Insulated Copper Wire



No.1 Insulated Wire (Cu 88-92%)
#1 Insulated Copper Wire
#1(No.1) ICW Copper Wire
Copper, Insulator, Plastic
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No.1 Insulated Copper Wire shall consist of plastic insulated unalloyed, uncoated (plated) copper wire, with the copper wire not smaller than 16 gauge (B&S) and 70% upper copper content.

#1 insulated wire(88-92%) is building wire, control cable, etc.

When the insulation is removed the copper must be bare and uncoated.

The typical recovery is 70% copper.

No.1 ins copper Scrap recycle Value

For thousands of years, copper and copper alloys have been recycled.

This has been a normal economic practice, even if regretted by some.


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